
Comparable UK Childrens’ Charity Project Providers

Coram better chances for children

Life Education – mobile units educating primary schools

Fostering & Adoption, eg. Concurrent Planning –


CHICKS is a national children’s charity providing free respite breaks to disadvantaged children from all over the UK.

CHICKS began in 1992, and has since provided over 13,000 children with a much needed break.

YMCA Northampton

Northampton YMCA, 2007 Training for supervisor, Star of Hope’s HalfwayHouse supported accommodation, Sofia


Read more about OXAB here.



Read more about ZOV here.


Sources and Reference

  • Doncheva, K. Z. (2016)  Mentoring at-risk youth – effects of Bulgarian practical in community-based informal program for social support.International journal Knowledge. – Skopje, Global Impact and Quality Factor p.807-813, 2016. ISSN 1857-9 It is more detailed and here is the bibliographic refer:Doncheva, K. Z. (2019). Language Impact towards Social Behavior of At-Risk Children, PUPIL:International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning, 3(1), 01-21.DOI:, Инд./Реф [Google Scholar], ResearchGate, Mendeley, Academia, CiteSeerX
  • Zlatkova-Doncheva, K. (2019) Language Strategies to Reduce Anxiety of At-risk Children Deprived of Parental Care. World Journal of Education, Vol 9, No 5, p. 100-112 ISSN 1925-0754,DOI:, [Инд./Реф. в: EBSCO Publishing]
  • Popova, D. A., (2019) Developing Social Skills for Children and Youth with Disabilities Deprived of Parental Care in Bulgaria. PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning, 3(1),22-44., Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Mendeley,Academia, CiteSeerX
  • Mogilino BBC World News, presenter Kate Blewett (2019 update 2007 Mogilono): The real story of hidden children in Bulgaria 
  • Katia Zlatkova-Doncheva (2017), our local lead manager, undertook a PHD study and published a book in English on ZOV’s results over the last eight years. This study showed a measureable increase in the children’s self-esteem, independence and motivation. The link to the book is below.

 Case Studies and Feedback from Children, Municipality, Children Protection Organisation, Staff and Parents (Appendix Five and Six)

Facts & Figures from Bulgaria. Bulgaria has already started its path towards deinstitutionalisation (DI). The National Strategy for the Child 2008-2018.

Bulgaria ON AIR and UNICEF Bulgaria launch a joint campaign for the right of children participation and their ethical media coverage.

Additional Reference

References as of 2011:

Bulgarian NGO’s

  • The Bulgarian Helsinki CommitteeA leading Bulgarian NGO, focusing on the protection of human rights.
  • The Mogilino Campaign in Bulgaria, by Slavka Kukova, November 2007. The response of Bulgarian NGOs to the BBC documentary about Mogilino.
  • Alliance for Children and Youth, founded in 1999 by the Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation, the Center is the only one of its kind in Bulgaria that offers to street youths aged between 16 and 25 help and consultation on a wide range of problems they face. (EXPIRED)
  • Association for International Adoption and Reintegration The Association is an Accredited Entity for mediation in Intercountry Adoption and has a permit No. 76 of 28.06.2006, issued by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Bulgaria for mediation activity in the following countries: Spain, U.S.A., Belgium, Great Britain, Andorra and Canada.

Other Resources

Bulgarian Children’s Charities

Charity liaison – Friends of Bulgaria convened Charity Round Table Conferences

Friends of Bulgaria 2008-2009 Waterloo Campus, University College London

Click here for British charities working in Bulgaria – coordinates and supports many projects in placement homes in Stara Zagora – Baga-tur – survival and horse riding school working with disabled children* – the home in Dalbok Dol – Samaritans in BG – School for children with impaired vision, Sofia – Bulgarian Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities – Alliance for Children and Youth

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