Friends of Bulgaria MISSION:
To respond to local initiatives in Bulgaria to advance the welfare of disadvantaged children with medical, physical and social disability.
Friends of Bulgaria METHOD:
To provide financial support for projects delivered by partner NGO charities in Bulgaria designed to promote:
- Remedial therapy for physical, mental and behavioural disability
- Communication and social skills with practice in creative arts
- Life Support Skills with instruction in literacy and personal care
- Care in the community
Friends of Bulgaria CHALLENGE:
To cultivate new project partnerships
In practical terms, Friends of Bulgaria funding is distributed to:
- individual projects delivered throughout the year in urban-located centres
- summer camps in rural locations
Friends of Bulgaria’s principle Project Providers:
- OXAB: Oxford Aid to the Balkans –
- ZOV: ‘appeal’ in Bulgarian –
- Star of Hope Foundation
Friends of Bulgaria Project Sites
- Sofia – Star of Hope: Supported accommodation for leaving care
- Veliko Turnovo – ZOV: Penyo and Maria family centres, Two Family Centres, Crisis Centre
- Gorna Oryahovica – ZOV: Day Centre and Family Centre for Children with Disabilities
- Varna – Karin Dom Foundation: Early Childhood development support for Mental and Physical disability including Foster Care families
- Lovec – Municipality: Paraskeva Neikova Dom: Residential Centre
- Dalbok Dol – Troyan Municipality: Centre for Rehabilitation and Integration
- Troyan – Municipality, Ivan Hadjiskii School: Support and integration for disadvantaged children
- Stara Zagora – Municipality: Nezabravka Orphanage
- Petrovo – Blagoevgrad Province: Home for children with mental disabilities
Previous Activities
At present, we are focusing our efforts mainly on introducing art and music activities in Bulgarian orphanages and on supporting the development of day centres for children with special needs. Here are some of the projects supported by Friends of Bulgaria.
Recent Projects
- Stara Zagora, music project (teacher and equipment)
- Stara Zagora, Home 44, physiotherapy
- Plovdiv hospital, library and playroom
- Troyan School Project
- Karin Dom
- Sofia Street Children Project (FSDB)
Star of Hope Projects
For some four years now Friends of Bulgaria has been supporting various projects run by Star of Hope, a local Bulgarian charity. Some of the recent projects include:
- Funding speech therapy for Temenujka (a six-month course)
- Renewed November 2007 – April 2008
- Staff development camp at Baba Stana, near Troyan
You can read more about our past support of Start of Hope here.