Friends of Bulgaria focusses on the wellbeing of children growing up without parents or family in institutional care. Funds are allocated to NGO (non-governmental organisations) partners responding to local initiatives for improving the quality of life of children in care living isolated, routine-bound existences, often lacking in stability being housed in centres undergoing fundamental change in the process of de-institutionalisation.
In such circumstances, Friends of Bulgaria oversees projects that are tailored to address the specific needs of toddlers, teenagers and adolescents – some of whom may have social, mental and physical disabilities – to promote their self-esteem in preparation for their life as independent adults. Projects introduce children to music, dance, theatre and sport to encourage self-confidence in social communication and engagement as well as self-awareness in recreational pursuits. Other projects practice life-skills or adopt the mentoring principle to assist with educational needs and to foster personal relationships to equip individuals leaving care for further study or professional employment.
2024 Traditional Christmas Party
You are invited to the Friends of Bulgaria TRADITIONAL CHARITY CHRISTMAS PARTY …2023 Traditional Christmas Party
You are invited to the Friends of Bulgaria TRADITIONAL CHARITY CHRISTMAS PARTY …